Saturday, January 25, 2014

KEZON 101 Interview With Campville's Food Industries " Not To Settle With One Thing But Also Try Different Thing"

Where did the idea for Campville's Food Industries come from? 

Our family business started almost 10 decades ago it was our grandparents who started it all. It was just a small business then. They started with our locally made sweets (tikoy, espasol, cocojam,pickled papaya and hinalo).

How do you bring ideas to life? 

Campville Food Industries was born more than a decade ago. Campville was originally named after our grandparents “Campita” but since it was on our mom’s side so we decided to incorporate our dad’s last name “Villaverde”. That is where Campville was born and It is because of our parent’s dedication, patience and trust in God that makes our small business grow. 

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur? 

As a child I remember my mom always says whenever she ask us to buy something from the store. If we didn’t find the thing she asked us to buy, never come home empty handed instead think of something that could replace it. I realized my mom was trying to instill in our mind not to settle with one thing but also try different thing. As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do? In business u must have critical thinking , u have to be creative too. We all know that all kinds of businesses has it’s ups and downs. We have high and low season too. The most effective way on how you can grow your business is to market it. 

 What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business? Please explain how. 

 Our clients and agents also encourage us to try new ideas that can be added in our product since our market is getting bigger and the demand is getting higher. That is why we decided to venture on canned pastries and lately we just started our own pansit lucban. Introducing a new product was a good idea since we’ve been marketing our goods in some of the pasalubong stores in towns nearby . Although marketing our product is kind of tiring and risky but it’s worth and challenging too. In additional to our product is also our commercial bread, these are consumable and normally seen in the table everyday.

 What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

 As an entrepreneur I would suggest to those who dream of having their own is to start with small and sustainable business. Think of something that you would love and enjoy doing everyday. Study your market, what is needed and salable, what is in and what is out-you have to be creative or innovative. And most importantly you must know how to manage your finances.

What people have influenced your thinking and might be of interest to others? 

 Engaging in a business I may say is not easy as counting till three. There’s hardship and uncertainty, it’s like a gamble because you are not sure if it will succeed or not. But it’s worth a try. All u need is a little confidence, determination and BIG TRUST in GOD.

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